

We"ve all heard of body brushing — how svelte celebrities such as Elizabeth Hurley and Elle Macpherson dry brush their skin to help detox, and keep their circulation moving and thighs dimple-free.

我们都听说过刷身体,像 Elizabeth Hurley 和 Elle Macpherson 等身材苗条的名人通过干刷皮肤来帮助排毒,保持体内血液循环运动,大腿无凹陷。

Faced with the prospect of scrubbing skin with bristly sisal cactus fibre, it"s not hard to see why many of us live with the cellulite.


But now we don"t have to, because there"s anew beauty tool on the block — the body comb.


This blunt-toothed sliver of jade is said to improve skin conditions such as cellulite, water retention, dryness andthose ‘chicken skin’ bumps that appear on the upper arms.


Like a body brush it promotes lymphatic drainage, sweeping toxins out of the body. But it feels more like a deliciousback scratch than a hair shirt.


Used on the head it is said to release stress, so othe headaches and improve hair growth. And perhaps most notably, it claims to help shift those diet-defying extra inches, too.


The woman responsible for bringing the body comb to the UK is Chinese medicine specialist Katie Brindle, founder of wellbeing company The Hayo"u Method.

把这个身体梳引进英国的是中医专家 Katie Brindle,她也是英国保健公司The Hayo"u Method的创始人。

Katie, 47, teaches Chinese well-being techniques, chief among them gua sha, a type of therapeutic self-massage where you ‘press stroke’ the skin, usually the face, with a flat-edged tool — the basic principle behind body combing.


The movement gives a natural anti-ageing glow by increasing the micro circulation to the face. Beyonce and the Duchess of Sussex are fans. You can do it on the body, too, with a metal scraper, but the jade comb is gentler and more pleasurable.


Katie encountered the body comb in Shanghai 18 months ago when she had a massage. ‘The therapist used a jade comb all overmy body, focusing on my abdomen and thighs,’ she says.


‘Since having my twins, who were seven then, I"d been overweight and couldn"t shift the pounds; I felt exhausted and had such heavy legs. But afterwards, that heaviness went and I felt invigorated.’


‘Acupunctureand acupressure work on the meridians, too. "


‘When you body comb, you follow the meridian lines to stimulate the smooth flow of energy. Chinese medicine doctors provide gua sha preions and body combing for you to do at home, just like physio in the West,’ she says.“


Who knows if we can all can achieve dramatic results from body combing. But if nothing else, it"s a back-scratcher that looks great in your bathroom.


