

布书对宝宝来说无疑是最好的玩具,既可以让宝宝玩耍,同时也可以激发大脑发育及他的阅读能力。宝宝的第一本双语布书我给她选了这款网红尾巴书—jungly tails。这本书色彩鲜艳,生动形象,尾巴也是有不同的材质,宝宝很喜欢拿来玩,那么怎么来用英文来讲给宝宝听呢?有哪些单词可以形容这些可爱的尾巴呢?

开始之前,可以对宝宝说We‘re going to be learning about our jungle friends and notebook--jungle tales.

The first friend is a parrot—parrot—he has a red and blue tail.

Next we have an elephant—elephant—and he has a long purple tail.

The next friend is a raccoon—raccoon—he has a black and white striped tail.

Next we have a tiger—tiger—and he has a black and orange striped tail.

Next we have a monkey—monkey—he has a long curly brown tail.

And next friend is giraffe—giraffe—he has a long yellow tail.

Next we have a zebra—zebra—and he has a black tail.

Next we have a crocodile—crocodile--he has a long green scaly and dry tail.

最后结束可以对宝宝说Today we learned about our jungle friends and the book jungly tales.

